


ABOUT USAbout us

As one of China's backbone environmental protection enterprises, we concern about World environmental issues.

As one of China's backbone environmental protection enterprises, we concern about World environmental issues.

As one of China's backbone environmental protection enterprises, we concern about World environmental issues.

The main business of Yunnan Lilu covers six industrial directions: landscape industry direction, environment and ecological protection industry direction, soil and water conservation and soil remediation industry direction, herbal flower ecological technology industry direction (Yunnan characteristic herbal plant fidelity and ecological immortal flower industry), museum and popular science education industry direction, and digital plant industry direction. Provide the whole industry solution service chain, namely: technology and product research and development, project planning and consulting, project planning and design, project infrastructure and implementation technical services, product production and market promotion, etc.

We own an independent designing and research institute, a plantation, 6 industry development bases and a forest farm. We have been awarded many times and we have got more than 40 patents in the area we are doing now.

Yunnan Lilu has been awarded as national high-tech enterprise, national environmental protection backbone enterprise, national preserved flower engineering demonstration centre , national forestry enterprises, national forest health care centre, top 10 agricultural enterprises in Yunnan Province, Yunnan Province Science education centre, innovative pilot enterprises in Yunnan Province, Yunnan Enterprise Technology Center and other accreditation.

Our goal is to create the most beautiful graden and to bring the nature in our daily life.

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PLANT and HUMANPlant and human

What has the nature brought to us?

What has the nature brought to us?

Plants can be used to make "clothes" so that we can protect our bodies and show our beauty and individuality. Many plants are also "food," that give us energy, we can even use them for"medicines," …with plants we build "houses", "cars", “boats" …we can use plants to make ”fire”.

We use leaves and seeds to make "tea" ,”coffee” and “wine”. The nature has bought us so much fun and good life quality.

We have to remember that the plants have always been the most important part of our lives. We have to protect them.

In the future, we will continue plant research and work more to contribute to the human environment!

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ENVIRONMENTAL of PARKEnvironmental of park

We think that only working on technical research is far from enough. We must also use these good technological achievements to solve the environmental problems we face today and serve the community

We think that only working on technical research is far from enough. We must also use these good technological achievements to solve the environmental problems we face today and serve the community

Bai Cao Yuan is our plantation that we build in 2007. We have a great designing group to work on it. We choose the most environmental building materials and we use a lot of traditional Chinese cultural elements to all the houses we build. The idea of having greens, energy conservation and environmental protection runs through the whole plantation. The design of the plantation follows the Confucianism : human must respect nature, and it including the respect for mountains, water, forests, flowers, birds, etc., Therefore when we build this plantation we tried our best to protect the evivonment and kept the original form of the surroundings.All the houses follows the style of Chinese Tang and Song dynasties, the architectural form is inspired by the application of the traditional residential building materials in the southwestern region of China. we made extensive use of natural stone tile . For example, we reconstructed a old house delicately, and renovated a rural pumping station into coffee bar.

In the plantation we also builded farm facilities, there are sewage, garbage disposal, solar energy, rainwater harvesting and other technology demonstration. In 2017, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine added our preserved flower products as national To ecological origin products ; the State Forestry Administration granted Bai Cao Yuan a "pilot construction unit of the National Forest and Cultural Recreation Base", etc.

In addition, we also builded a conference centre, chess clubs, book houses, a tea restaurant and a gym as well as a museums, a DIY studios.

We welcome people from all over the world to visit us. We hope that all our guests enjoy their trips in Bai Cao Yuan and have a better understanding of Yunnans local plants and flowers, as well as the culture and the history. At the same time we can help our customers to know our service and products better.

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